
Saturday, February 19, 2022

Issue No. 1 of Delivering Justice - a newsletter with critical commentary by lawyer Seema Sapra

1. Apparently the Delhi High Court Judges met in Full Court on 9 February 2022 to decide on opening up the Delhi High Court now that almost all Covid related restrictions have been lifted in Delhi. Why then has no official communication in this regard still been issued to the public. The Rajya Sabha was told by the Law Minister Rijiju that 19895 cases are pending before the Delhi High Court which are between 5-10 years old. The total pendency is much higher. 2. How was the case on the constitutionality of the marital rape exception being heard by the Delhi High Court when it was only supposed to be hearing extremely urgent cases on account of Covid restrictions. 3. The Supreme Court of India has announced that it is reverting to the case hearing procedure that it was following till December 2021. Why do the Supreme Court Judges not want the Court to open up fully. Why have physical hearings on only two days in a week starting next week. 4. What is driving this abdication of their judicial duty by these Supreme Court Judges and Delhi High Court Judges? Seema Sapra

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